Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Garrett

self portrait
Garrett loves, loves, loves Nerf guns. On Friday we had a nerf war birthday party. The boys had a great time and enjoyed their prizes: reese's peanut butter cups (Garrett's favorite), whoopee cushions, and flarp-a little can of goo that when you stick your finger in it, it makes a lovely farting noise. I tried to pick out other prizes, but Garrett insisted on those lovelies. What is it with boys and their amusement with bodily functions? Oh well a great time was had by all . .
And I even made a nerf gun cake!

Happy Birthday Garrett! We love you and are thankful you are part of our family. Hard to believe you are now in the double digits (how can Derek and I have a ten year old?!). Thank you for being a great big brother, good student, and practicing the piano without too much coercion. We are lucky to have you in our family!


Jessica said...

Sounds fun! Ronin just saw the gun and said he wanted to play with that, so I'll guess we'll have to come soon. Also, great job on the cake!

scammongirl said...

Wow. Can't believe Garrett is in the double digits. Did he think about his Kansas buddy who celebrated the same day?

Funny story while student teaching. We were in the library and a boy was looking at a book. All of a sudden he says, "hey. There's a frog in the mailbox!" I contained my laughter since I was in the library - but immediately thought of my fave little Sunbeam.

Miss you guys terribly. Hope to come see you someday.

Alicia Fish said...

I too have been wondering lately, what in HEAVEN'S NAME is so exciting or hilarious about bodily functions and their noises. Four boys really is quite DRASTICALLY different then one very girly little princess. WOW, that's all I have to say. Garrett is amazing! 10, SERIOUSLY!??!!!!