Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where does the time go . .

I hate to post without pictures so I keep putting off posting. The viewing screen on our camera broke on our hike in the fall and its just too much effort to take pics now. Anyway, I want to do better with this and keep in touch and all. . . . so here are is what I dug up for your viewing pleasure and I will try to get on the ball and post about Derek's birthday and Carson's birthday and Easter and my trip to Kokomo and such soon.

The top is from an outing Derek took the girls on in February. They loved making jewelery holders at Lowes. The bottom is also from February. Derek and I took the kids to BYU to check things out. We got a little nostalgic for our college days and visited both the English building where I spent my time and the "great and spacious" building- I mean business building- where Derek spent most of his time. Funny while we were there Derek was explaining to the kids that these were the buildings we studied in to prepare for our futures. Camille said, "yeah, like this is where mommy learned to make dinner and clean the clothes and the house." Nice. So glad it took me four years and a degree in English to get that down.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I so wanted to come was a last minute trip to utah..made on a whim when we found out Sean's parents were coming for Conference weekend...btw grandparents, 5 sessions of conference, easter, and visiting my grandmothers grave, it was WAY too fast. BUt anyway...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and I hope you can still work us in when you you decide to come up here. Love ya! By the way the quote form Camille...priceless!