Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

The festivities began for Elena, Camille, and Carson on Thursday. Elena's preschool had a fieldtrip to a local pumpkin patch. Unfortunately the weather was freeeeeezing, but we still enjoyed the hay ride out to pick a pumkin, a "train" ride around the corn maze, and some play time on the slides.

Friday night we were suppose to take a doctor the hospital is recruiting to a Utah Jazz game, but he canceled and we got to invite Laurissa and Blake (Derek's sister and her husband) instead. The seats the hospital has for the season are really close to the court and we enjoyed watching a great game. We even enjoyed watching some really dedicated fans that sat nearby. One guy in paticular brought a ginourmous Jazz flag, mega-mega-megaphone, and a rubber chicken to use both for cheering on the Jazz and for trying to distract the Clippers when they took their foul shots. It was fun, thanks for coming guys!

Prior to the trunk and trick or treating we took the kids to see some sights in Salt Lake City. Instead of taking the van we made it especially fun by taking the light rail--a commuter train that runs from various northern cities to SLC. The kids liked the train ride (Carson loved it) and seeing some Mormon Church Sites like the Conference Center and the beautiful Salt Lake City Temple.

According to some, the most exciting part of our Halloween Weekend involved Carson, Elena, and Camille dressing up as a spotted frog, a black cat balerina, and a fairy-butterfly-balerina respectively.

Lastly we were protected by a blue ninga from all the "tricks" lurking about on Halloween night(thanks Garrett!).


Becky said...

cute pictures!! :)

scammongirl said...

What?? No MAILBOX for that frog??? Sure miss you guys!!

Tia said...

WoW! Big changes indeed! Congratulations on the new job, the sale of your home (so fast!), and your new adventure to Utah! I can't tell you how happy I am you are in Utah because we may be moving to California...and I was thinking I would never get to see you again...but we always will be in Utah at some point:)
Yes, we too may be moving and I'm really sad to leave up here. But if Sean wants to make partner, this is what we need to do. I keep telling myself that other people have moved and they haven't died, so I can do it...
Tamra and Leonard just moved to Georgia. They have been there a couple months. They are enjoying being less than an hour away from my parents. Now Shane, Tamra, and Kolayna all live near home. I have to admit I'm a little jealous.
But Tamra's husband has Crohn's Diasease and has been in the hospital for a week. He has septis from a ruptured bowel. He was in the ICU for 5 days and they just barely moved him out. It's been really scary. The day he went in, the dr's told Tamra to call LEonards parents becasue the septis was beginning to shut down all of his organs, kidneys, heart, etc...He was given a blessing and made a miraculous turn around. Tamra is keeping us posted for when he maybe able to come home. I still worry that this isn't really the end of his sickness, maybe only the beginning of hard things to come....keep them in your prayers:)

So how many of your family are in Utah? I told Sean I would move to Utah, unfortunately that job offer never panned out. So we're going to San Francisco.. not my forst choice, but then what would be? I'm not sure....I'm scared about never being able to buy a home, and the schools for my kids, but the weather might be a nice change, I hear there are lots of members, and it's a great opportunity for Sean to work with some higher up we'll see. WE are still waiting for the #'s to come back before we decide for sure.
Well, we should talk some time...but I know how it is with 4 kids....CRAZY! So talk to you soon....

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

We had a great time with you guys! Thanks for thinking of us and inviting us. The kids look like they had fun seeing the LDS sites and enjoyed halloween! We are excited to see you soon.

Pye family said...

I just about cried when I saw Carson in that costume. I remember trick-or-treating with you guys and we pulled Rachel and Garret in the wagon. Garret was the frog then. We miss you guys.

pye said...

I need your new address for my christmas card list. I would have just e-mailed you for it but I can't find your e-mail address either. Ours is

Tia said...

I need your new address...Would love to send a Christmas card:)
