Sunday, August 30, 2009

13.1 Miles - Aug 30, 2009

First of all, I must tell you that this post is completely unsanctioned - at least from Christine's standpoint. She has never wanted me to share the fact that she is training for a marathon. But I (like my oldest son) just can't seem to help but tell everyone "everything I know". Christine has trained very diligently for the past few months. Her goal has been to run a marathon by her next birthday (Aprill, 2010). At the rate she's going, she could run one much sooner.
Yesterday (Aug 30th), she ran 13.1 miles--half a marthon. As her post earlier today mentioned- I've been running as well- but not like her.
And if I can get it to work... here's a quick video of the victorious FINISH!


alicia said...

Go Christine. I'm totally impressed. I was thrilled to just do a half-marathon. Not sure I'm up for a full. That's pretty stinking awesome!

Cathie(Mom) said...

Wow, Christine! You are looking great. I admire your dedication to running.

Becky said...

how awesome!!! way to go, Christine! :)

Traci said...

I'm so proud of you Christine!!!! Pretty soon you won't even need to drive anywhere...just run!!!!! You're AWESOME!!!!!!!!!