Sunday, June 29, 2008

June 29, 2008

Trip to Seattle
We took our summer vacation during the first week of June. We left for Washington on a direct flight from Kansas City on Saturday, May 31st - and returned home on Monday, June 9th. We stayed at my parent's beautiful new home while we were there and had a great time visiting family. My parents have built a new home in Puyallup that has a clear view of Mount Ranier.

Christine and I left for 2 days while we were there and spent time together in downtown Seattle. While in Seattle, Christine and I took a harbor tour, visited the acquarium, went through Pike Place market, went to IKEA (we'd never been to one before), ate at the Melting Pot, Cheesecake Factory, caught a movie, relaxed, and walked a lot in the rain. Unfortunately, it rained most of the time we were there. Good thing we had familiy to entertain us.

Christine and I finished our hiatus at the temple--meeting the kids and grandpa and grandma as we got finished. We took the kids to the Museum of Flight, and later that week- went to the Seattle Science Center (which was nice but doesn't hold a candle to the Indianpolis Children's museum). We also were able to be a part Joy's baby blessing. Joy is the new daughter of Alicia and David Millett. We had a wonderful time visiting my parents, Richard, Alicia, and their families.

The kids were quite tired by the time we landed back in Kansas City--and we still had a 2 1/2 hour drive ahead of us. Needless to say, the kids were not on their best behavior for the car ride home- so Christine decided to ask the children to each share their favorite part of the vacation--this got them all quieted down. After they each shared, Christine turned to me and asked what my favorite part of the vacation was. I responded that my favorite part of vacation was when I got to go away with my which Elena responded "With me?" That brought a huge smile to our faces.

Last weekend, our good friends the Pyes from Ohio came to see us. They were on a special zoo vacation with their family- stopping at various zoos around the midwest. Kansas was as far west as they went- so we felt privileged to be a part of their trip. We had a nice time going to a water park with the kids, and playing games in the evenings with Richard and Denise. This week, we have Kiara (Debbie's oldest) with us. Kiara is 14 and has done a tremendous job entertaining our kids. She's here with us until July 3rd- when her family (the Pratts) arrive to spend the weekend with us.

1 comment:

alicia said...

I feel very privileged to be mentioned in the blog. It was wonderful having you guys here and am so grateful that you were able to be party of Joy's blessing! Love you guys!