Tuesday, April 8, 2008

2007 Christmas Letter

Dear Family & Friends

2007 has been another good year for the Kansas Vances. . .

We welcomed Carson Orwell Vance to our family on March 9th. He weighed in at 7 lbs 10 oz. He has a great temperament and we are so thankful he is here.

Elena turned 2 in August. She speaks well and is very busy. She likes to play with her older sister, especially dress-up and house, and is a great helper when it comes to retrieving things for Carson.

Camille turned 4 in August. In the early summer she took a dance class and loved it, and in the fall she started preschool. Tuesdays and Thursdays are her favorite days because those are school days—the other five days of the week are somewhat of a disappointment in her bookJ

Garrett is 7 and in the second grade! Reading is still one of his fortes at school and he is coming along nicely with the piano. In fact, he plays the prelude music for Primary most Sundays. Garrett adores his baby brother and was extremely pleased his “prayers were answered” in March.

Derek and Christine are busy and happy with a good job and wonderful family. Derek continues to work for the hospital here in Parsons and serve in the Branch Presidency at Church. Christine finds being a mother of four to be more than full time work but still manages to squeeze in time to serve as the Primary President at Church.

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Years and are blessed with all you need!